
Making a shared data folder in Linux

I wanted to set the file permissions properly on our shared music folder (accessed by Samba/scp/directly on the computer by different users). Basically, I want anyone in the ‘data’ group able to read and write everything.

First, I created the data group.
sudo groupadd data

Then I edited /etc/group and made all the relevant users members of that group

Then I set the ownership and permissions on the directory using the following script. One note is that the last line sets the 'setgid' permission on the directories (chmod g+s ...) which makes the permissions 'sticky'.



echo "Changing Group ownership to 'data'"
chgrp -R data $DIR
echo "Changing permissions of files to ug=rw,a=r"
chmod -R 664 $DIR
echo "Changing permissions of directories to a+rx, g+rwx, g+s"
find $DIR -type d -exec chmod a+rx,g+rwx,g+s '{}' \;

Now set the umask so that the group gets write permission by default. In /etc/profile:
umask 002

Finally, set the same permissions in Samba too. In /etc/samba/smb.conf:

path = /data
available = yes
browsable = yes
public = yes
writable = yes
create mask = 664
directory mask = 775

Now files and directories are created group-writable.

drwxrwsr-x 2 user1 data 4096 2008-02-15 11:29 temp
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user1 data    0 2008-02-15 11:29 test


When you copy files via scp, the umask is not set properly because the bash doesn't read startup files in this situation.

In order to get scp to set the umask properly, you need to add umask 002 to /etc/default/ssh (in Debian/Ubuntu, on Redhat-derived systems try /etc/sysconfig/sshd).

This will set the 002 umask for all users. If you want something more fine-grained you'll need a more complex solution.